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The All-In-One Guide On Social Media Marketing for Restaurants

Luke Januschka


July 10, 2024
Social media marketing for restaurants
Table of Contents
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To achieve success on social media, it’s important to combine strategic thinking and creativity. But the key ingredient is engagement. 

We can all agree that social media is a vital component for any restaurant looking to stay relevant and keep those tables filled. 

With 45% of diners trying a restaurant for the first time because of a social media post, you can’t afford to blend into the background.

A solid social media strategy isn’t just about posting pretty pictures of your food (although that’s certainly part of it). It’s about understanding your audience, creating a consistent brand voice, and producing content that resonates on a deeper level. 

Here’s what you’ll learn in this blog:

  • Importance of social media marketing strategies 
  • Expert tips that make your followers interact more frequently and enthusiastically.
  • Social media strategies that get your posts the attention they deserve.

From stirring up interest with mouth-watering photos to keeping the conversation going beyond the comments section, this guide is packed with practical advice and seasoned insights. 

Whether you’re looking to boost your bookings or just keep your feed as fresh as your food, you’re in the right place.

Importance of a Social Media Marketing Plan for Restaurants 

If you’re running a restaurant and not taking your social media marketing seriously, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to connect with your customers and drive more business through your doors.

Having a killer social media management strategy for your restaurant isn’t just a nice-to-have anymore—it’s a must. With over 4 billion people scrolling through their feeds every day, you can’t afford to be invisible online.

So, you need a strategic plan and must stick to it. That means setting clear goals, understanding your audience, learning how to navigate the ever-changing algorithms like a pro, and more.

We’re not talking about some generic, one-size-fits-all approach, either. We’re talking about a personalized strategy that speaks directly to your target audience and showcases what makes your restaurant truly special.

At Restaurant Growth, we’ve seen firsthand how powerful restaurant marketing on social media can be. Our clients have generated over $480M in revenue with our proven social media strategies, and we’re just getting started. 

Join them in success.

So if you’re ready to take your restaurant’s online presence to the next level, it’s time to get serious about social media management for restaurants. 

We’ve got a pantry full of tricks and tips to help you whip up a social media strategy that’ll have your customers craving for more.


A Handy Checklist for Restaurants to Get Social Media Marketing Right

Here’s a quick checklist to ensure you’ve covered the basics before launching your restaurant’s social media marketing plan.

✅ Bio and Website Link:
Keep your bio short, engaging, and keyword-rich. Always include your website link.

✅ High-Quality Images:
Use professional or high-resolution images of your food, interior, and team.

✅ Professional Dashboard:
Implement a social media management tool for scheduling and consistency.

✅ Story Highlights:
Utilize Instagram story highlights to showcase specialties, events, and testimonials.

✅ Consistent Style and Branding:
Ensure a uniform aesthetic and tone across all social media platforms.

✅ Optimize Your Profile:
Ensure your profile includes current details like location, hours, and contact info.

✅ Enable Suggestions Feature:
Turn on suggestions to increase your visibility through platform recommendations.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of managing multiple platforms, enlisting the help of services like
Restaurant Growth can help you create a social media marketing plan that’s tailored to your needs.

10 Social Media Marketing Tips for Restaurants


Some social media marketing tips that restaurants can use to get the best out of social media platforms are given below: 

#1 Operate on Multiple Platforms

Want to reach more customers and grow your business? Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!

Operating on multiple platforms is key to expanding your reach and engaging with your target audience wherever they hang out online. 

According to a recent study by the Pew Research Center, the average American adult uses three different social media platforms. 

By operating on multiple platforms, you’re able to cast a wider net and reach a larger, more diverse audience. But don’t just copy-paste the same content across all channels. 

Each platform has its own unique culture, lingo, and best practices. 

For example, on Instagram, focus on eye-catching visuals and snappy captions that spark engagement. 

On LinkedIn, share industry insights and thought leadership pieces that position you as an expert in your field. 

And on TikTok, let your hair down and have some fun with creative, entertaining videos that showcase your brand’s personality.

If juggling multiple social media platforms is challenging, you may want to brush up your skills. 

For the same, you can join coaching programs such as the one from Restaurant Growth to help you sort through the basics and more. 

#2 Create A Social Media Content Strategy

Start by identifying your target audience and the social media platforms they frequent. Then, set clear goals and objectives for your content, such as increasing brand awareness or driving foot traffic.

Next, brainstorm social media marketing ideas for restaurants that align with your goals and audience. 

Don’t just post for the sake of posting – every piece of content should have a purpose. And remember, consistency is key. 

Posting sporadically is like serving a half-cooked meal – it’s a surefire way to leave your audience unsatisfied. 

Instead, aim for a steady stream of content that keeps your restaurant top-of-mind and your audience craving more.

If you need a little extra help with strategization, Restaurant Growth’s social media experts are just a call away. 

#3 Stay Updated On Social Media Trends and Platform Changes

Stay updated on social media platform changes and trends

Stay sharp and keep your finger on the pulse of social media trends. Follow industry leaders, attend marketing workshops, and keep abreast of platform updates. 

Changes in algorithms? Be the first to know and adapt. 

By staying informed, you can maintain visibility and ensure that your social strategy remains on the cutting edge.

At Restaurant Growth, we offer expert-led webinars and coaching solutions that cover various aspects of restaurant management and community involvement.

Utilize our resources and insights to stay ahead in the dynamic world of social media marketing.

#4 Engage With Customers

Now, here’s the real deal: engagement. You have to be responsive! 

Respond to those comments, messages, and reviews like your life depends on it (because, let’s be real, in the restaurant biz, it kinda does). And respond ASAP.

Encourage your loyal fans to share their experiences, repost that user-generated content, and host contests/giveaways to keep ’em coming back for more.

We all know the struggle of juggling a million things at once in this industry. But trust us, staying engaged on social media is worth its weight in gold. 

In fact, 50% of diners say they use social media to guide their restaurant choices, and 22% are inspired to revisit the restaurant due to its social media presence. 

So, let’s give the people what they want, shall we?

#5 Create Recurring Series

Try to create a weekly or monthly series featuring a dish of the week, cocktail of the month, or chef’s special. 

According to this report, 56% of consumers are more likely to buy from a brand that recognizes them by name and recommends products based on their past purchases. 

So, why not apply this to your restaurant and give your customers a personalized experience?

Post a “Dish of the Week” featuring your culinary masterpieces, or “Cocktail of the Month” that showcases your mixologist’s latest concoction. 

Offer such recurring content reminding your customers to come back for more! 

And don’t forget to share behind-the-scenes content, such as kitchen tours, staff introductions, or recipe development. 

This will not only humanize your brand but also build trust with your audience.

#6 Use Visuals To Showcase Food And Ambience

Using visuals for restaurant marketing on social media

Let’s face it, people eat with their eyes first. 

In fact, according to a recent study, posts with images on Facebook receive 2.3 times more engagement than those without.

So, invest in high-quality photography and videography to showcase your menu items, interior decor, and events.


#7 Promote Special Offers And Events

Who doesn’t love a good deal, right? Use social media to announce new menu items, promotions, and events. 

This Forbes report states that loyalty programs can boost profits by 30%. So, why not create a loyalty program and promote it on your social media channels?

And if you want to take it up a notch, create exclusive social media offers and discounts. 

This will not only incentivize your audience to follow and engage with you but also increase foot traffic to your restaurant.


#8 Explore Influencer Collaborations

Step into the spotlight with influencer collaborations. Partner with food bloggers and local influencers to tap into their follower base. It’s like having your cake and letting someone else help you eat it too! 

These partnerships can drive significant traffic to your page and increase brand visibility. Just make sure their vibe matches your venue’s ethos!

If you need a helping hand, social media experts like Restaurant Growth can help launch successful collaboration campaigns, emphasizing consistency and brand values.

These two things matter a lot when it comes to collaborations.


#9 Monitor And Analyze Performance Metrics

Don’t just post and pray! Track your engagement rates, reach, and conversions. If you have partnered with Restaurant Growth, you can use tools like Restaurant Growth’s in-house analytics dashboard to pinpoint what speaks to your audience. 

It provides insights into customer retention, growth, profit margins, and more. 

Understand what’s working and what’s not, giving you an idea about what needs to be improved. 

Did that quirky cocktail post go viral? If so, double down on that content! Adjust your strategies based on solid data, not just gut feelings.

Remember, knowledge is power—especially when it’s served with a side of actionable insights.

#10 Invest In Paid Social Ads

Throw some budget behind your posts with paid social ads. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer powerful targeting options that help you reach your ideal diner. 

Create ads that aren’t just beautiful but strategic—highlight your best-selling dishes and unique atmosphere. Set clear goals and budgets to ensure your money is well-spent. 

Think of it as your digital billboard, but smarter.

What Are The Best Social Media Platforms For Restaurant Marketing?

Best social media marketing platforms for a restaurant

When it comes to nailing restaurant marketing on social media, you’ve got several options. 

Here’s a tabular representation of various social media platforms for restaurant marketing, their key features, user base, and who it is best for:

Social Media Platform Key Features User Base Best For
Stories, Reels, Shopping features, visual content
Over 1 billion active users
Stunning food photography and videos to engage younger demographics
Solid advertising tools, direct bookings, customer reviews
2.91 billion monthly users
Personalized marketing campaigns, diverse audience reach
Short, viral videos, creative content
Rapidly growing, popular with Gen Z and millennials
Trendy, engaging content to attract younger customers
Quick updates, high engagement with restaurant content
330 million monthly users
Real-time engagement, promotions, customer service
Professional networking, recruitment, market research
Over 175 million professionals
B2B connections, sourcing talent, professional branding

Each platform offers unique advantages for restaurant marketing, making them essential tools for reaching different segments of the market and enhancing online visibility.

How to Make The Most Out of
Social Media for Your Restaurant?

Establishing a strong social media presence is essential for growth. Social media marketing offers a direct line to engage with customers, showcase your offerings, and build your brand.

Actively engaging on social media platforms allows you to connect with your audience, respond to feedback, and provide a glimpse into your restaurant’s unique aspects. 

For restaurant owners who might feel overwhelmed by the complexities of social media marketing, Restaurant Growth is here to assist. 

With our expertise in the industry, we can provide the necessary tools and knowledge to develop a customized strategy. This enhances your visibility and attracts more customers to your restaurant.

So, start leveraging the power of social media with Restaurant Growth today, and watch as we transform your business.


How do I advertise my food on social media?

To effectively advertise your food you need a social media marketing plan for restaurants. You can focus on posting high-quality, visually appealing images and videos that showcase your restaurant’s menu items. 

Promote seasonal offerings, new dishes, and behind-the-scenes content to pique your audience’s interest. Utilize user-generated content by reposting photos taken by customers at your restaurant. 

What social media do restaurants use?

Restaurants primarily utilize Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for their social media marketing efforts. These platforms allow restaurants to showcase their food, engage with customers, and reach a wide audience.

What are the 4 P’s of local restaurant marketing?

The 4 P’s of local restaurant marketing are:

  • Product – Offering a unique and high-quality menu.
  • Pricing – Competitive and value-driven pricing.
  • Promotion – Effective social media marketing strategies.
  • Place – Convenient location and ambiance.

What is one effective strategy for restaurant social media marketing?

One effective strategy for restaurant social media marketing is to establish a strong, consistent brand voice and tone across all platforms. This helps create brand recognition and resonates with your target audience.

What types of content perform well on social media for restaurants?

Content that performs well on social media for restaurant marketing includes visually appealing food photos and behind-the-scenes videos.

Other types of content that also perform well include user-generated content and posts highlighting seasonal menu items or promotions. 

How can small local restaurants use social media to increase visibility?

Small local restaurants can use social media to increase their visibility by optimizing their profiles and running targeted social media ads. 

They can also collaborate with local influencers, and engage with their community through user-generated content and responsive customer service. 

How often do restaurants need to post on social media?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer. However, it is generally recommended that restaurants post on social media 1-3 times per week to maintain a consistent presence and engagement with their audience. 

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Luke Januschka
Luke Januschka is a pivotal partner at Restaurant Growth, where he spearheads strategies that have generated over 30 million dollars in tracked sales for our valued restaurant clients.
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